Dec 27, 2018 · Commend to find out your dns servers ip address under Linux/BSD/Unixish system. To see your DNS server address type the following cat command as shell prompt: $ cat /etc/resolv.conf OR use the less command/more command shell pagers: $ less /etc/resolv.conf Another option is to use the grep command/egrep command: nameserver The DNS also stores other types of information. It also identifies DNS protocol as part of the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). The users rely on the Domain Name System to rename the IP addresses of the visited websites. This is why the DNS is vital to the computers connected to the Internet. Materials Needed:

How Do I Find The DNS Provider Of My Domain? - Intermedia

The DNS also stores other types of information. It also identifies DNS protocol as part of the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). The users rely on the Domain Name System to rename the IP addresses of the visited websites. This is why the DNS is vital to the computers connected to the Internet. Materials Needed: Two obvious answers first: 1. If you already have configured computer connected to internet, you’ll find your DNS configuration in “ipconfig /all” on Windows (as David Young suggested) or by checking your /etc/resolv.conf file on other systems. 2.

View DNS Resource Records for a Specific IP Address

Find your IP address - Mar 21, 2019 HowTo: Find Out DNS Server IP Address Used By My Router?